Robert Salanitro was born in Brooklyn, New York. His passion for art started at an early age, always drawing when he could. He recalls seeing the work of Norman Rockwell and being mesmerized by the detail and how he told a story through his art.
His educational training started when he attended the
LaGuardia High School of Music and Art . After graduating, he later studied architecture at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY. Following his passion for art, he then began working in the field of illustration, creating countless children's books, editorial illustrations and product designs. While he continued his experience in the field, Robert also started working with paints and discovered his passion for it. During his artist development and learning his craft as a painter, Robert began looking at many artists such as the impressionist painters and contemporary artists.
Through his journey as an illustrator and artist, Robert had the opportunity of living in Brazil where his wife is from. There he became inspired by the culture, people and traditions. Also while there he had the opportunity of teaching art at schools and non-profit organizations.